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About Check Up

We are based in Punjab in district Nawanshar and are an authorized "Iris Analysis Centre of" Kings Herbal Research Laboratories OU" Estonia{Europe) to conduct the Iris Analysis check-up for the peoples to make them understand about their health in iridology point of view.

The process of making report is online but patient has to visit/attend once in person to click the picture of his/her Iris of eye with the help of Iridoscope and then forwarded to the experts of iridology working in association of the Dr Ajit Singh who is the head of "KHRLOU".

Following is the KHRL team and other senior iridologist (worldwide) who are consulted by KHRL team for making the Iris Analysis Report.

What is iridology or Iris analysis?

Iridology is the scientific analysis of pattern sand structures in the iris of the eye which locates areas and stages of inflammation throughout the body. The iris is the portion of the eye showing color. It reveals body constitution, inherent strengths and weaknesses, health levels, and transitions that take place in a person's body according to their way of life. It is very much helping tool of diagnosis as per the medical science of Electro homoeopathy and Naturopathy.

Iris Analysis

Iridology is a science that studies the structure of the iris in order to know the physical and psycho-emotional characteristics of the individual. The colors, shapes, designs, architectures are observed and they relate to the whole body through well-defined maps, so as to identify constitutional weaknesses, predispositions or physical disorders and psycho-emotional characteristics end epigenetic.

Today, thanks to technology and the knowledge acquired in neurophysiology, we can also observe and study the epigenetic and emotional aspect that often causes physical symptoms. The iris (the pupil) is in direct contact with the central nervous system through the autonomic nervous system and the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is part of both the autonomic nervous system and the limbic system.

In the limbic system we have nervous structures capable of creating emotions and behaviors adapted to stimuli and personal needs. So on the iris it is possible to identify the deep tensions that are able to activate the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (stress axis) and the related production of cortisol. The abnormal production of cortisol, in the long term, can cause diseases such as: hypertension, diabetes, osteoporosis and inhibition of the immune system.

What iridology can show?

  • The Primary Nutritional Need of the body
  • The Inherent Strength or Weakness of Organs, Glands and Tissues
  • Constitutional Strength Weakness.
  • Which Organs are in the Greatest Need of Repair and Rebuilding
  • The Primary Nutritional Need of the body

What iridology can't show?

  • Blood Pressure Level
  • Blood Sugar Level
  • Other Specific Diagnostic Finding and Laboratory Test Result
  • Which Specific Medications or Drugs an Individual is Using or Has Used in the Past
How did it originate?

How did it originate?

In the 1800's, a young boy, lgnatz Von Peczely, happened to catch an owl in his garden. The boy clearly saw a black line rising in the owl's eye after accidentally breaking its leg during the struggle. He kept the bird until it had regained its health and then observed the appearance of crocked white lines across the black area in the owl's eye. Von Peczely later became a physician and had the opportunity to study the irises of many patients. He grew certain that there existed a reflex relationship between tissue changes in the body and iris markings and developed the first iris chart, which has been continually researched and revised over the years.

How does it work?

The complex iris is composed of hundreds of thousands of nerve endings which are connected by impulses to every tissue of the body through the brain and nervous system. The nerve fibers, ortrabecula, respond pacifically to tissue and organ conditions with a corresponding physiological reflex manifested in the iris as lesions and color variations.

The iris chart, which is the result of many years of clinical observation and intensive research by Dr. Bernard Jensen and others, represents the basic placement of body organs and tissues similar to a map. An accurate iris analysis is possible by super imposing the chart over an iris image projection, allowing detailed observation of the valuable and reliable data recorded there.

What will it show?

A complete iris analysis will show whether a person exhibits age nearly good constitution or a poor one, depending upon the density of the iris fibers, the patterns, structures, colors and degrees of lightness and darkness in the iris tell if an area of the body is inherently strong or weak. It also reveals the relative site of over-activity, irritation, injury or degeneration of the tissues and organs. Toxic accumulation levels can he Observed as well as nutritional and chemical imbalances.

What will it not show?

Iridology will not show or name a specific disease but provides information about the body tissues which indicate tendencies toward conditions of "dis-ease". Often before symptoms appear. Iridology will not revel surgery performed under anesthesia as nerve impulses are discontinued. Iridology cannot locate parasites gall stones or germ life but will indicate the presence of inflammation and toxic conditions which are a refuge for their development. It will not show pregnancy as that is a normal function of the female body.

How can it help you?

Iridology is potentially an integral part of preventive health care. It has the ability to forewarn of approaching difficulties or signs of "dis-ease". Iridology can be a powerful tool, allowing one to determine what is transpiring inside the body from a simple, painless, and economical external vantage point. In effect, iridology will reveal how well your body functions.

Improper nutrition and lack of exercise undermines the body's integrity until eventually it becomes unable to reverse damaging toxic conditions through its own natural self-healing mechanisms, becoming susceptible to ailments of a chronic nature. Therefore, nutrition and iridology are Inseparable in one's pursuit of a healthy way of life and holistic health care program. Iridology helps us understand our weakness so we may strengthen and cleanse our bodies to obtain our maximum health potential.

It brings to us an awareness of how to prevent illness. Thus allowing us to earn our most precious earthly treasure—vibrant physical, Mental and spiritual health! Modern doctors usually can't tell you the score until the game's over. Until you actually have a nameable disease—but iridology lets you walk in at the first inning .and that's why it will probably play a staffing role in preventative medicine at the bio electric level which is well on its way to becoming the medicine of the future.

Pathology Versus lridodiagnosis

From the perspective of health, it is important to clarify two points about the iris. First, sometimes iridological diagnosis or iridodiagnosis is seen as a synonym of medical diagnosis, but in reality, as you will soon discover, iridology has nothing to do with the traditional medical concept of pathology. That concept, which originated in the period of Linnaeus, is defined as an intelligent classification of the signs and symptoms of a disease.

However, since the body does not understand these types of classifications, a direct relationship between the iris and what is known as pathology does not exist. Iridology studies the reactions of a person in relation to their genetics. In other words, it concerns itself with the individual person, and not so much with the disease itself though that does not mean that a group of iridology signs does not correspond to certain clinical signs (for illnesses such as leprosy, rheumatism, sarcoidosis, etc.).

Second, we must note that observation of the iris is fundamentally subject to the interpretation of the observer. This marks a clear difference from medical diagnosis, where the data obtained from an analysis, CAT scans, or X-rays is assessed directly and the resulting numbers or ~/images (the number of red blood cells, an image of pleurisy or fracture, etc.) provide the relevant information. In the case of iridology, as in all reflexologies, the iris is subject to the interpretation of the reflexive signs that are observed. The signs are not a part of the pathology, but they allow us to deduce, for example, the strength or vulnerability of the organ systems, vicariation of functions, or pre dispositions.

In this sense, the experience of the therapist is essential; in an empirical system such as this, if a therapist is very experienced, the therapeutic observations and recommendations he or she makes will be better and more accurate, as will be the assistance he or she is able to render. Thus, we can say that iridology is a bloodless empirical system that lets us redirect our lives in terms of personal, dietary, or physical behaviors, and if we feel ill, it lets us identify the most effective e natural therapy for us. Iridology is an indisputable reference system for naturopathy, homeopathy and Electro homoeopathy.

People have a basic constitution that makes them more fit for one type of lifestyle than another. Without a doubt, learning about our inherent behavioral and physiological reactions through observation of the iris lets us get the most out of our existence and helps us live life to the fullest. The followings ~/images of Irises observed with the Signs belong to different kinds of Stress and manifestations of the body organs.

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